What name do you want your map to be called if accepted?
What name is your map called currently on Map Build?
What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)?
5 minutes
What category is your map in on the current map list?
Medium Open
What makes your map stand out from other maps?
It has smooth flowing terrain made to be runnable on. It can provide a challenge for more experienced players while not being too much to handle for less skilled players. I think it's very balanced. It's simple by design which makes the map less of an obstacle. That way you can focus more on the position of the players.
What build permission do you want your map to be (nomodify, modifyonly, normal)? If normal, do you want to allow pillaring?
This is a nice, large open map with a lot of scenery and nature. Seems like you (kyle) and swoozy wanted to make this map nature-themed, and you did so very well! The plants you added throughout the map only adds to the creativity and effort put into it. I like how you also added a small section of parkour; although not a lot, to your map. Spawn was a neat place that pretty much had a view of the introduction of the map.
Not sure if this was an intentional hiding spot (42, 67, 86)- check it out. And there is a large issue with the map, although you could easily fix it when you get the time. On (40, 70, 55), you can jump onto the wall, and run all the way down to (34, 75, 24), and you could exit the map. You may want to put barriers there, and also on the cobblestone slab wall, as that probably would make the map pro-human.
All in all, with that being said if you just fix those tiny things you may have overlooked this map would be great! If you have any questions feel free to DM me on discord!
You've done a great job on the scenery and I agree that the map will have a nice balance and be fun to pro run on. Thanks for fixing all the bugs that granny pointed out, putting this map on trial!
Map is still 2 ratings off, will push this back another 3 days as it shouldn't take long to get the 2 ratings it needs to meet the requirements for the poll to end.