What name do you want your map to be called if accepted? ctf_turbine
What name is your map called currently on Map Build? Legospaceguy15
What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)? 6 minutes <- someone else can determine this
What category is your map in on the current map list? Closed Large Open
What makes your map stand out from other maps? Its the epic_man89 masterpiece ctf_turbine but completely remade to be more original to the map found in Team Fortress 2. I have created this map to the same quality and quirks as cp_orange, using no texture pack and only custom blocks and fogcolour to achieve the effects required.
Ctf_turbine was one of the first maps I ever played and I like it on TF2 as well and I think a version of the map should be on rotation because it means a lot to me personally. What separates this map from epic_man89’s original masterpiece is that it has more detail and is more close in scale and dimension to the map on TF2. It is also a bit bigger and wider, allowing more room for prorunning, and the invasive parkour has been removed to look more like the map in game.
There are quite a few bots on the map, see if you can find yourself!
What build permission do you want your map to be (nomodify, modifyonly, normal)? If normal, do you want to allow pillaring? Nomodify
Does your map have custom physics? No custom physics.
Does your map have custom MOTDs? /os map motd +maidens
Thank you for your submission, apologies for the delay in it's review.
This has given the old ctf_turbine a new lease of life, the gameplay seems like it will be quite fun here and I would like to see what the Community think of the map so I believe it should be trialled.
Unfortunately, when adding the map to ZS, there was an export issue that caused the botai not to work correctly. I have informed the development team to investigate this issue further. So for now I will be placing this map on hold, but will trial it once the export issue is resolved.
I am happy to report that ctf_turbine has passed it's trial with a 77.7% approval rating! Congrats on having the first accepted map submission in over a month lol!