What name do you want your map to be called if accepted? Silhouette.
What name is your map called currently on Map Build? opapinguin10.
What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)? 4m.
What category is your map in on the current map list? Open/prorun.
What makes your map stand out from other maps? It is black and white. No, truly black and white. What makes the gameplay unique in this sense is that players can indeed hide in front of the silhouette.
This applies to humans as well as zombies. Zombies can surprise attack humans in this way, and humans can hide like this. While this sounds a bit too powerful, it only works near the central church and even then only for a short while at best.
Also wanted to try out slanted builds, shadows and black and white aesthetics.
What build permission do you want your map to be (nomodify, modifyonly, normal)? If normal, do you want to allow pillaring? Nomodify.
Does your map have custom physics? No.
Does your map have custom MOTDs? No.
Does your map have custom bot AIs? No. It has bots, however. Let's see if you can find Som hidden on the church.
Does your map have secrets? No.
Who are the authors of your map? opapinguin, ReaperNazgul7
Incredibly strong aesthetics, and I love the thematic idea and how it correlates to gameplay! It's very much something unique that would be great to have on the server! The only thing I'd really ask of it, is to have a bit more dynamic gameplay on it. Perhaps some elevation, in the center / some parkour jumps, and some more places where you can use this hiding gameplay. There's also a quite wide empty area around the central structure, which perhaps could be either made smaller or have something else added to it. With these additions however, it would easily be due a trial!
It's definitively better now with these additions. I'm still unsure about some of the very large empty prorunning areas around, but I'm willing to give it a trial as it is as it's more or less the only clear thing I'd say could be improved, and we'll see how it does.
This is currently on trial, but I saw a lot of the building process including when Opa was adding the crypts/other additions. While it is playing, I'll mention the only major concern I've seen myself and a few others have: it is hard to see the zombies due to them being black figures like humans. They have the inverted heads, but no bloody skin. D_flat mentioned during one round of it that inverting the colors might be helpful, and Opa said while it is a cool idea he is not sure how to do it/it may be complicated. If there is someway to make zombies more visible, I think it would increase helpful gameplay! Other than that, played 2 rounds of it so far, one with 3 people that ended quickly due to map size and overall prorunning area, but next time with 5-6 people the round lasted for quite a bit. I think it will take people the hang to get used to it for sure, but it is better with more numbers.