What name do you want your map to be called if accepted? sonic3_spleef
What name is your map called currently on Map Build? tails_7
What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)? 5 minutes
What category is your map in on the current map list? spleef
What makes your map stand out from other maps? It is a sonic 3 & knuckles themed speef map. It has jump pads to get between layers, and the chains on the scaffolding are climbable. The portraits of sonic, knuckles and tails are doors that come back, but the brown stone (id 1) is spleef that doesnt come back.
refreshing gameplay, spleef with boosts on the sides to get back up and the heads of sonic, tails and knuckles regenerate which is nice, dont need to have the entire thing spleefable
easily one of the most interesting spleef maps that has been made in a while
Firstly would like to say I am not so fan of spleef maps, although I really like this theme and idea, it brings me back to early 00’s. Texpack really puts this Sonic to life. These jumpy things are nice adition, spleef part is great, only flaw as I see it, is reseting time of spleefing blocks, imo I would put like 7-8 secs, not 4-5 secs as it is now. Overall as godgamer69 said, for me this could easily be my fav spleef map.
Visually looks great. Theme is integrated well. The sidewards spring might be annoying to randomly stumble upon on such a small map, but I don't know how much that would be an issue.
Spleef maps rarely get submitted nowadays and since a bunch of those have been removed in the last removal poll, it's nice to see another spleef map being submitted. This one looks very promising so I will give it a trial run.