Post by mamoria on May 30, 2022 21:39:27 GMT
What name do you want your map to be called if accepted?
- Watersurvival
What name is your map called currently on Map Build?
- mamoria2
What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)?
- 7 minutes
What category is your map in on the current map list?
- Hard to say, would classify it most likely in "Closed Course Maps"
What makes your map stand out from other maps?
- You're in your village and you forgot that the huge dam behind your house was supposed to be blown up today, so you sprint to save yourself at the last second. But that's not enough, suddenly your neighbor is a zombie and tries to eat you during your escape from an enormous deadly wave!
Run for your life and watch out for the zombies, but also make sure you're fast enough so the tidal wave doesn't catch up with you!
There is a catch-up mechanic for players and zombies that join later, a door that automatically opens after 1 1/2 minutes and an exit to the end-area that opens after 4 minutes, so players on the other side of the map can't feel too safe if no zombie has made it in time.
Run for your life and watch out for the zombies, but also make sure you're fast enough so the tidal wave doesn't catch up with you!
There is a catch-up mechanic for players and zombies that join later, a door that automatically opens after 1 1/2 minutes and an exit to the end-area that opens after 4 minutes, so players on the other side of the map can't feel too safe if no zombie has made it in time.
What build permission do you want your map to be (nomodify, modifyonly, normal)? If normal, do you want to allow pillaring?
- nomodify (air_switch, door_blocks and physic-blocks must work)
Does your map have custom physics?
- yes, 4x exploding tnt, active_cold_water and door_blocks, need hardcore-physics (/physics 3)
physics speed is fine on default.
Does your map have custom MOTDs?
Does your map have custom bot AIs?
Does your map have secrets?
2 Secrets (perhaps remove this part of my posting after checking)
#1 Position: 11 66 997 (Spawnhouse-Basement-Secret)
#2 Position: 21 65 566 (a small Redroom Secret at the End of the course)
Who are the authors of your map?
Want to play? Im working all day, so feel free to test:
#1 use Map Backup 39 (/restore 39 or /os map restore 39)
#2 go to the spawnpoint
#3 set the physics to hardcore (/phyics 3 or /os map physics 3)
#4 run
Additional informations:
The flood will not start unless someone triggers the Air_Switch_Block by leaving the spawnhouse.
The TnT explodes after about 15 seconds, the corridor in the undergound will open after about 1.5 minutes and the exit-door to the end-area will open after 4 minutes. Total run time is about 2 minutes. The active water ist not that fast, so new players have a good chance. To be honest the parkour is not very hard either, so everyone got a chance
Last words:
I don't know if this is even possible as a zombie map with the physics-stuff, but since I have the map now anyway, I want to give it a try.
A few impressions: