What name do you want your map to be called if accepted?
What name is your map called currently on Map Build?
/g mrdoob123 What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)?
5 or 6 mins What category is your map in on the current map list?
small or medium open What makes your map stand out from other maps?
In addition to everything in my last submission: Improving on last time, there are no invisible blocks so players will not be confused, there are bushes to indicate the barriers There is a hint of parkour that can be achieved by going on the house (finally using it instead of decoration) and other rooms. One of the motel has rooms which might improve aesthetic and give a good hiding spot The reception which was useless still is (just jk u cant go inside anymore but i added some aesthetic) There are added passageways throughout the map so players can take shortcuts rather than going round a map.
What build permission do you want your map to be (nomodify, modifyonly, normal)? If normal, do you want to allow pillaring?
Does your map have custom physics?
Does your map have custom MOTDs?
Does your map have custom bot AIs?
Does your map have secrets?
Who are the authors of your map? MrDoob123, which is me
Apologies for the late response. Reason mainly being that the re-addition poll maps are still on trial until Sunday.
This version is a very nice upgrade from the original version. I can tell a lot of effort went into the outside terrain as well. That's a very nice touch. That, in combination with the skybox gives this map a very unique vibe which I really like.
The gameplay is also tremendously improved. Most of the buildings are now functional gameplay elements and the random invisible walls aren't a thing anymore.
There are a few small things I would like to point out, though. The first one are the door blocks. While they're mostly fine, and certainly not a reason to decline this map over at all, I think it would be better if they're just removed altogether as they block people's view. In addition, the doorways could be made wider. Instead of the current one block wide doorways, make them at least 3 blocks wide.
Secondly, a small aesthetic thing: at /tp 125 97 98 some of the ground under the water is made out of dark pillar but the rest is still dirt. I suspect it's just something that was looked over and forgotten during the map's creation? Regardless, it's not a big deal but just something I wanted to point out.
Thirdly, and this opinion can vary widely from other players, but I think the parkour at /tp 77 104 81 should be more accessible from the ground. The way to get there is pretty obscure, since you not only have to get on the wall, but then you also need to spot that little corner jump at /tp 74 104 78 to get there. The reason why I am bringing this up is because the floating block parkour leads you to a relatively big part of the map. In my opinion, paths to such crucial areas on a map should be easily findable, especially on prorun maps.
Lastly, I noticed there's a portal somewhere on the map but I couldn't spot it. Could you tell me where it is? I'm checking this because I can't put maps on trial that potentially have secrets that are way too obscure to find through normal gameplay.
All in all, I think this map looks very promising and I will very likely place it on trial after Sunday. In the meantime, while it's on hold, you could take a look at the feedback and make the final adjustments to make this map just that tiny bit more polished.
First I'd like to thank you for taking the time to look at my map. As for your suggestions, I will attend to them. The portal you mentioned is at (99, 101, 78). The purpose is so that people in the secret have a way out rather than just hoping the zombie does not see them. Other than that, i will try and polish the map up before SUnday Thanks Bruceja!
First I'd like to thank you for taking the time to look at my map. As for your suggestions, I will attend to them. The portal you mentioned is at (99, 101, 78). The purpose is so that people in the secret have a way out rather than just hoping the zombie does not see them. Other than that, i will try and polish the map up before SUnday Thanks Bruceja!
Putting a portal there is fine, but I'd make it an invisible or water portal instead of a solid block. Alternatively, you could remove it altogether and just make a way to the roof of the building at /tp 104 101 80 ?
I like the layout of this map, I think it would be fun. I do wish there was a little more detail to the motel itself as I feel like the maps strengths are the outside areas. I like the attention to detail in the background of the map, I also like the lbs that blend in with the buildings as subtle parkour, it's a nice touch. Best of luck!