First of all, apologies for the late response... I've kind of slacked off for a few weeks on map subs. Mainly because the maps from the last poll are still on trial at the moment. I don't want to put too many maps on trial at the same time.
Anyway, I've liked the theme of this map since the first time it was submitted. What held it back significantly was how narrow it was. While it's still somewhat narrow in a few spots now, I think it's a much improved version of the first iteration and I think it's ready for a trial run on ZS.
Before I can officially trial it, however, it'll be put on hold until the re-addition poll maps are out of their trial period. That will be after this Sunday.
Seems like this map would be fun, the only issues I really have with it is due to the barriers within the caves and the skybox being visible whilst you're still underground it kind of takes you out of the illusion that these are caves. Not a huge issue, but something to note.