Hello Community, as you may have noticed I have been completely absent for probably the last month or so, and this is because I am preparing to go back into my second year of University so the time I can commit to the servers is limited. I will however commit more time than last year once I have settled in again. I will be taking a formal leave from now until the 1st of October where I will come on from time to time. I may have some time in September to visit but that month is extremely busy for me. Due to my absence again, and also electronus1 starting University, nootnootman has been promoted to Administrator to assist further in maintaining and looking after the servers. I am sad that I cannot commit as much time as I want and should towards the Community, but I hope you all understand that I enjoy running New Blood bus have to put my life first.
If you have any further questions, they may have been answers on my old Goodbye topic on the old forums found here. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Thank you!
Best of luck for your second year! Don't forget to have some fun. My bro is going into his second year to so I can understand the amount of time you need for University/College.