What name do you want your map to be called if accepted? Garden
What name is your map called currently on Map Build? Xx_sarah_xX3
What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)? 6 Minutes.
What category is your map in on the current map list? Medium Open Map.
What makes your map stand out from other maps?
The first time I tried submitting this map, I did an open map (which was flat.) Then I had some ideas from others and decided to go with an open parkour course (it had borders but cased alot of problems with the map.) So then I have now decided to do an open map, that has levels (the high you go up), and each section looks the exact same with parkour. I also added two secrets (one underground and one in the trees.) I put a little parkour room under the fountain.
What build permission do you want your map to be (nobody or normal)? If normal, do you want to allow pillaring? Nobody.
Firstly I think the gravel block has been overused and you should try using other blocks to help improve the asthetics. The holes in the ground make prorunning harder and don't add anything to the map.
There is also a way to get out of bounds after some of the bedrock parkour by climbing the trees.
I changed the gravel (parkour parts) into cobblestone. I also patched up the holes on each section and made the borders taller than the trees so players can't stand or jump over them.
I tried changing the texture pack but the ones that i tried changing it to didnt have clear water. The only time you cant see the player is when they go down the fountain. I could remove the way to go down the fountain if it makes the map easier to play.
What you could also do is find a texturepack that does have clear water, take the water texture from it and put it in the current texturepack. That should fix it.
I changed the texture pack again but I cant really figure out how to make the water transparent. I did find the right texture for the map (which also fixed the map.) If you know how to fix the water can you help me? Thanks.
I really like this map, I had a chance to play it today and I really believe a lot of people like it. The map has a fairly stylish and cool decor to see, even for the details. The courses on the different coasts are quite complicated and I like that because it is difficult for everyone to access quickly. There is just in the middle at the bottom where I don't understand what the small location with the route to go up is really for.