What name do you want your map to be called if accepted?
What name is your map called currently on Map Build?
What round time do you want your map to have (minimum is 3 minutes and maximum is 10 minutes)?
5 minutes
What category is your map in on the current map list?
Small Open
What makes your map stand out from other maps?
This is mainly a prorun map with a medieval aesthetic along with course map factors. I tried to focus on vertical parkour mostly, which is present with the two towers on each side of the map that you can traverse between. Each tower also has several places to stay out of reach from zombies.
What build permission do you want your map to be (nobody or normal)? If normal, do you want to allow pillaring?
This is a very cool looking map. The gameplay is also pretty interesting. I like the changes that were made. Definitely gonna give this map a trial run.